Past Small Grant Recipients
Capacity Building Grant
North Missoula Community Development Corporation $12,000
Civil Discourse Grants
Soft Landing $5,000
City Club Missoula $5,000
Public Policy Institute of the Rockies $5,000
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Training Grants
Missoula Aging Services $1,600
CASA Missoula $3,000
Forward MT $3,000
Inner Roads Inc $3,000
Families First Learning Lab $3,000
Blue Mountain Clinic $3,000
Technology Creating Connections During COVID Grants
Franklin Elementary PTA $1,300
Home ReSource $1,500
Impact Montana $1,500
Missoula Interfaith Collaborative $2,000
Moving Mountains Foundation $1,500
Poverello Center $1,500
Recycling Works $1,500
Soft Landing $1,500
Tamarack Grief Resource Center $2,000
The Fourth D Club $1,500
Watershed Education Network $2,000
YWCA $2,000
C.S. Porter Middle School $1,000
Big Brothers Big Sisters $6,0000
The Foundation for Missoula Public Library $1,000
Roxy Re-Deco Project $2,500
MAM: Art in the Park
Freedom on the Inside $1,000
Historical Museum at Fort Missoula $1,000
Roxy Re-Deco Project $2,500
Hospice Care Foundation $500
The Flagship Program $500
YWCA Missoula $500
AniMeals $500
Families First Children’s Museum $500
FreeCycles $500
Missoula Developmental Services Corp. $500
Writing Coaches of Montana $500
Zootown Arts Community Center $500
CASA of Missoula $300
Ecology Project International $300
Living Art of Montana $300
Missoula Food Bank $300
Parenting Place $300
Brennan’s Wave $500
Center for Music by People with Disabilities $650
Families First Children’s Museum $650
Imagine Missoula $740
Montana Natural History Center $650
The Flagship Program $975
Silver Summit All Abilities Playground $1,715
Zootown Arts Community Center $1,715
Big Sky Film Institute $1,000
Horses for Orphans $2,500
Humane Society of Western Montana $1,000
Missoula Aging Services $750
Missoula Children’s & Community Theatre $525
Missoula Developmental Service Corp. $1,000
NMCDC Burns Street Kids Program $1,000
Porch Productions $1,500
Sussex School Eco-thon $1,000
Tamarack Grief Resource Center $400
Silver Summit All Abilities Playground $1,000
Families First $450
Friends to Youth $1,055
Frenchtown High School & Community Library $400
Garden City Harvest $450
HomeWORD Inc. $300
Horses for Orphans $6,600
Mineral County Performing Arts Council $500
Missoula Art Museum $500
Missoula Community Chorus $450
Missoula Developmental Services Corp. $1,500
Montana Natural History Center $500
North Valley Public Library $500
Open AID Alliance $300
Tamarack Greif Resource Center $1,150
Western MT Area VI Agency on Aging $400
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers $350
Youth Homes $500
YWCA $500
A Carousel for Missoula $500
ARTS Missoula $200
Dolce Canto $300
First Way $500
Foursquare After School Program $300
Hamilton Players $300
Legacy Montana $225
Missoula Aging Services $1,250
Missoula Medical Aid $1,500
Missoula Urban Demonstration Project $500
North Missoula Community Development Corp. $1,500
Parenting Place $500
Porch Productions $750
Spirit at Play $500
Tamarack Grief Resource Center $800
Watershed Education Network $500
Watson Children’s Shelter $1,800
YMCA $2,500
A Carousel for Missoula $800
American Humanics at UM $350
American Legion Post 131 $250
Area VI RSVP Volunteer Center $700
ARTS Missoula $250
Child Care Resources $1,000
Garden City Harvest $1,000
Headwaters Dance Company $250
Habitat for Humanity Missoula $1,800
Legacy Montana $300
Loyola Sacred Heart & Missoula Catholic Schools Foundation $1,500
Mineral County Performing Arts Council $750
Missoula Housing Authority: Essential Access $1,000
Missoula Mavericks Baseball $1,800
Missoula Writing Collaborative $500
Open AID Alliance $500
Parenting Place $1,500
Partnership Health Center $1,590
Project Homeless Contact $1,000
Student Ambassador Program $1,500
Valor House $1,000
YMCA $1,500
Youth Homes $3,060
Big Sky Film Institute $2,500
First Way $3,000
Friends to Youth $2,250
Legacy Montana $350
Loyola Sacred Heart & Missoula Catholic Schools Foundation $6,000
Missoula Mavericks Baseball $1,500
Missoula Urban Demonstration Project $2,000
Montana Radio Reading Service $2,400
Partnership Health Center $1,850
Rose Park Neighborhood Council $2,000
Watson Children’s Shelter $1,800
Young Life Missoula $3,000
EmpowerMT $500
The Poverello Center $5,000
Big Sky Horse Park & Missoula Horsemen’s Council $1,250
Garden City Harvest $500
Missoula Aging Services $1,000
Missoula Institute for Sustainable Transportation & FreeCylces $450
Missoula Urban Demonstration Project $750
Missoula Folklore Society $500
North Missoula Community Development Corp. $500
Southgate Triangle Neighborhood Council $2,000
Women’s Opportunity Resource Development $500